In-service Education for Psychiatric Nurses based on the Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Theory

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Kyoko Osaka
Allan Paulo Blaquera
Krishan Soriano
Feni Betriana
Mutsuko Kataoka
Tetsuya Tanioka


Introduction: One of the strategies that can be used to improve the quality of psychiatric care is the development and dissemination of a new in-service education program based on the use of technologies for both psychiatric nurse managers and nurses. Objective: This discussion paper aimed to report on in-service education for improving the quality of psychiatric nursing care based on the Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing (TCCN) theory for psychiatric nurse managers and staff nurses. Method: Relevant articles related to psychiatric nursing care, in-service education, technologies in nursing, and caring in nursing were retrieved, analyzed, discussed, and developed. Result: The use of in-service education programs based on the TCCN is expected to become a practical approach to incorporating new technologies into quality psychiatric care. Conclusion: Use of in-service education programs based on the TCCN theory is expected to become a practical approach to incorporating new technologies into quality psychiatric nursing care in the future.

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How to Cite
Osaka, K., Blaquera, A. P., Soriano, K., Betriana, F., Kataoka, M., & Tanioka, T. (2024). In-service Education for Psychiatric Nurses based on the Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing Theory. Celebes Nursing Journal, 1(2), 116–128.


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