The Celebes Nursing Journal (CNJ) aims to expand its group of peer reviewers and is accepting applications for new reviewers.

CNJ is currently welcoming applications from individuals with diverse professional roles and research backgrounds in the field of nursing from any international location, particularly those with experience in scientific research, writing, and publishing.

Reviewers should meet the following criteria:

  • Hold no conflicts of interest with any of the authors;
  • Should not come from the same institution as the authors;
  • Should not have published together with the authors in the last three years;
  • Hold a PhD/DNP (Nursing);
  • Have relevant experience and have a proven publication record in the field of the submitted paper (Scopus, ORCID);
  • Are experienced scholars in the field of the submitted paper;
  • Hold an official and recognized academic affiliation.

    To express your interest, please send a copy of your short CV in here